Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Figure Drawings

Haven't posted anything from the figure drawing groups lately so thought I'd catch up. I have got to find a better light setup to photograph graphite drawings or start working in a different media.

A new, first time model last night, a friend of Joni, one of our regular models on Saturdays. She did very well. All in all it was such a good session that I'm posting almost all of the drawings that I did. One that isn't posted went to the model. As I understand it the story goes; she reluctantly told her mother she was thinking about modeling for an art class but didn't know if she should. Her mom told her she "had to", that she'd done it "back in the day". So I gave her a drawing to show her mom. Forgot to mention to her that if her mom wants to come out of "retirement" ..............

The first 3 show 1 minute more or less gesture drawings.

The next 3 are 5 minute incompletes.

This one would be 10 minutes

The next 2 are twenty minutes each.

The one below is almost a ringer for a painting I'm doing now. Seated contraposto.

Three drawings of Sharon from a couple of weeks ago. This is the best I've done with her in a long time.

And finally one of Enya from sometime in the past that I don't think has been on previously.

Not getting much art done this week. I'm in the middle of building a studio that if there are no disasters should be finished by late next week. I can hardly wait.